Majors & Minors

With 70 majors and minors, and programs, you can explore your passions via so many ways. Once you enroll, you have plenty of time to decide. The choice is yours.

Beloit College’s Majors, Minors and Programs



Skip color key to list of offerings  

Color Key

  • Blue: Major
  • Gold: Minor
  • Purple: Program


African Studies

Department/Program: African Studies

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: Africa, African, Africana, anthropology, Black, colonialism, colony, conflict, conservation, culture, customs, decolonization, diaspora, gender studies, geography, globalization, history, human rights, immigration, land, literature, migrations, oppression, postcolonial, refugees, religion, religious, societies, society, study, traditions

Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Department/Program: Greek, Latin, & Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: anthropology, civilization, classics, colonialism, colony, culture, customs, decolonization, Egypt, geography, Greece, history, literature, maritime, mythology, postcolonial, religion, religious, Rome, societies, society, study, traditions, warfare


Department/Program: Anthropology

School: Health Sciences, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: American, anthropology, archaeology, archeology, change, collections, communication disorders, culture, customs, diversity, ethnography, ethnology, evolution, fieldwork, folklore, forensics, gender studies, geography, globalization, government, history, human, identity, indigenous, linguistics, literature, medical, museum, non-profit, nonprofit, Pacific, politics, prehistoric, race, religion, religious, rituals, sexuality, societies, society, tourism, traditions

Applied Chemistry

Department/Program: Chemistry

Offerings: Major

Keywords: biochemistry, catalysis, chemical engineering, industrial, inorganic, laboratory, nanotechnology, organic, pharmaceuticals, polymers, radiological, radiology, research, spectroscopy, synthesis

Art (Studio Art)

Department/Program: Art

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: animation, apparel, art history, art theory, art, ceramics, cinematography, conservation, contemporary, costume, creation, criticism, design, digital, drawing, editing, entrepreneurship, exhibitions, fashion, fine art, galleries, graphic design, innovation, interior design, mixed media, modern, museums, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, sewing, studio art, texile, therapy, venture, visual

Asian Studies

Department/Program: Asian Studies

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: anthropology, Asia, Asian, change, China, colony, conflict, culture, customs, decolonization, development, diaspora, East Asia, geography, globalization, history, human rights, immigration, India, Japan, Korea, land, literature, media, migrations, oppression, Pacific, postcolonial, refugees, religion, religious, societies, society, study, Taiwan, traditions


Department/Program: Biochemistry

School: Health Sciences

Offerings: Major

Keywords: agricultural, agriculture, anesthesia, anesthesiologist, animals, arborist, bioinformatics, biology, biomedical, biophysics, biotechnology, cellular, chemical engineering, chemistry, clinical, dentistry, DMS, doctor, dog, dosimetrists, EMT, equine, first responder, forensics, forestry, genetics, health, hospital, human, hygiene, immunology, laboratory, LPN, medical, medicine, microbiology, molecular, nurse, nursing, paramedic, pharmacology, phlebotomy, physician assistant, physician, physiological, pre-dental, pre-health, pre-medicine, Pre-Veterinary, predental, prehealth, premedicine, psychiatry, radiography, research, therapist, therapy, trees, ultrasound technician


Department/Program: Biology

School: Health Sciences, Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: adaptation, agricultural, agriculture, anatomy, anesthesia, anesthesiologist, animals, arborist, behavior, biochemistry, biodiversity, biogeography, bioinformatics, biomedical, biotechnology, bone, botany, cellular, child development, clinical, communication disorders, conservation, dentistry, development, diagnostic sonography, diet, DMS, doctor, dog, dosimetrists, DVM, early childhood, ecology, ecosystems, EMT, equine, evolution, exercise, first responder, food, forensics, forestry, genetics, health, hospital, human, hygiene, immunology, laboratory, life, living, LPN, marine biologist, massage, medical, medicine, microbiology, microbiome, molecular, nurse, nursing, nutritional, oceanography, paramedic, phlebotomy, physician assistant, physician, physiological, physiology, pre-dental, pre-health, pre-medicine, Pre-Veterinary, predental, prehealth, premedicine, psychiatry, radiography, radiological, radiology, reproduction, research, therapist, therapy, trees, ultrasound technician, veterinarian, virology, zoology

Business Management

Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Major

Keywords: accounting, actuarial science, actuary, administration, agricultural, agriculture, BBA, behavior, branding, budgeting, business law, business, commerce, consumer, cooking, corporations, culinary, entrepreneurship, hospitality, human, leadership, management, manufacturing, marketing, non-profit, nonprofit, operations, organization, production, project, public administration, real estate, resources, strategy, supply chain, tourism


Department/Program: Chemistry

School: Health Sciences, Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: agricultural, agriculture, analytical, anesthesia, anesthesiologist, atomic, biomedical, catalysis, chemical engineering, chromatography, clinical, dentistry, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, electrochemistry, EMT, first responder, forensics, health, hospital, hygiene, inorganic, kinetics, laboratory, LPN, mechanics, medical, medicine, molecular, nanotechnology, nurse, nursing, oceanography, organic, paramedic, phlebotomy, physician assistant, physician, physiological, pre-dental, pre-health, pre-medicine, predental, prehealth, premedicine, quantum, radiography, radiological, radiology, research, spectroscopy, stoichiometry, structure, therapist, therapy, thermodynamics

Cognitive Science

Department/Program: Cognitive Science

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: AI, artificial intelligence, attention, behavior, biomedical, brain, child development, clinical, cognition, cognitive, communication disorders, computational modeling, computer science, consciousness, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, decision-making, dentistry, development, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, early childhood, emotions, EMT, ergonomics, health, hospital, judges, justice, laboratory, language processing, law, lawyers, learning, linguistics, LPN, medical, medicine, memory, mind, neural networks, neuroimaging, neuroscience, nurse, nursing, paralegals, perception, philosophy of mind, philosophy, physician assistant, physician, police officer, policy, pre-health, pre-law, pre-medicine, predental, prehealth, prelaw, premedicine, problem-solving, psychiatry, psycholinguistics, psychology, radiography, reasoning, research, safety, social, therapist, therapy, technology

Comparative Literature

Department/Program: Comparative Literature

Offerings: Major

Keywords: aesthetics, analysis, criticism, cross-cultural, english, folklore, genres, global, identity, intercultural communication, intertextuality, language, literary, literature, movements, multiculturalism, myth, narrative, theory, traditions, translation, world

Computer Science

Department/Program: Computer Science

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: AI, algorithms, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational theory, computers, computing, cybersecurity, data, databases, ethics, game design, game development, graphics, information, machine learning, networks, operating systems, programming, robotics, software engineering, structures, technology, web development

Creative Writing

Department/Program: English

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Major

Keywords: animation, authorship, book, character development, content, creativity, dialogue, editing, entrepreneurship, fiction, genre, imagination, innovation, inspiration, literary techniques, magazines, narrative, plot, poetry, prose, publishing, revision, screenwriting, script analysis, speech, stage, storytelling, venture, workshop, writer, writing

Critical Identity Studies

Department/Program: Critical Identity Studies

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: activism, Africana, American, Asian, Bible, Black, change, class, colonialism, colony, conflict, critical theory, cultural studies, culture, decolonization, diaspora, disability, discrimination, diversity, empowerment, ethnicity, feminism, gender, globalization, human rights, hybridity, identity, immigration, inclusivity, indigenous, inequality, intersectionality, Latina, Latino, Latinx, LGBTQIA, migrations, oppression, postcolonial, power, privilege, queer theory, race, refugees, religion, religious, representation, resistance, sexuality, social justice, social movements, study, theology, urban studies, woman, women’s

Data Analytics

Department/Program: Data Science & Data Analytics

Offerings: Major

Keywords: business intelligence, accountant, analysis, analytics, big data, classification, cleaning, computer science, data, decision making, ethics, evaluation, forecasting, integration, interpretation, machine learning, management, mathematics, modeling, optimization, pattern recognition, predictive modeling, preprocessing, research, science, simulation, statistical, statistics, storytelling, visualization, warehousing

Data Science

Department/Program: Data Science & Data Analytics

Offerings: Major

Keywords: business intelligence, accountant, analysis, analytics, big data, classification, cleaning, computer science, data, decision making, ethics, evaluation, forecasting, integration, interpretation, machine learning, management, mathematics, modeling, optimization, pattern recognition, predictive modeling, preprocessing, research, science, simulation, statistical, statistics, storytelling, visualization, warehousing


Department/Program: Economics & Business

Offerings: Major

Keywords: accountant, American, behavior, commerce, competition, consumer, demand, development, eceonomic theory, economics, economy, finance, global, growth, international, labor, macroeconomics, market, mathematics, microeconomics, policy, poverty, price, production, spending, supply chain, supply, taxation, trade, urban studies, welfare

Education and Youth Studies

Department/Program: Education & Youth Studies

School: Environment & Sustainability, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: activism, administration, adolescent, child development, children, communication disorders, curriculum, early childhood, education, EDYS, elementary, employment, empowerment, leadership, learning, literacy, management, mental health, organizations, pedagogy, policy, preschool, primary, public administration, school, secondary, social services, special education, study, teacher, teaching methods, tourism, youth


Department/Program: Engineering

Offerings: Program

Keywords: aerospace, air, algorithms, architecture, aviation, CAD, CAM, chemical engineering, circuits, civil, climate change, conservation, construction, control systems, design, ecology, electrical, electronics, engineering, engineers, environment, environmental, flight, fluid, industrial, innovation, land, manufacturing, materials, mechanical, mechanics, nuclear, problem-solving, programming, project management, renewable energy, robotics, soil, structural, sustainability, sustainable, systems, technical, thermodynamics, transportation, urban studies, water

Engineering Physics

Department/Program: Engineering

Offerings: Major

Keywords: acoustics, applied physics, architecture, astrophysics, aviation, computational, construction, cosmology, design, electromagnetism, engineering, engineers, flight, instrumentation, laboratory, laser, manufacturing, materials, mechanics, modeling, nanotechnology, nuclear, optics, photonics, physics, quantum mechanics, renewable energy, research, semiconductor, technical, theoretical physics, thermodynamics, urban studies


Department/Program: English

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: American literature, British literature, communications, composition, content, creative writing, criticism, cultural studies, discourse analysis, drama, english as a second language, fiction, genre, grammar, language, linguistics, literacy, literary analysis, literary theory, literature, phonetics, poetry, pragmatics, prose, rhetoric, semantics, Shakespeare, speech, syntax, TESL, world literature, writing


Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accounting, actuarial science, actuary, administration, apparel, branding, budgeting, business law, business, cooking, corporations, creativity, culinary, entrepreneurship, fashion, hospitality, human, innovation, intellectual property, interior design, investment, leadership, management, manufacturing, market research, marketing, mentorship, networking, non-profit, nonprofit, operations, opportunity recognition, organization, patents, planning, problem-solving, product development, project, prototyping, public administration, resilience, resources, risk management, sales, small business, strategies, strategy, supply chain, trademarks, venture

Environmental Biology

Department/Program: Biology

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major

Keywords: agricultural, agriculture, air, animals, arborist, biochemistry, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, biology, cellular, climate change, conservancy, conservation, dog, ecological restoration, ecology, ecosystems, environment, environmental science, environmental, equine, ethics, food, forestry, genetics, habitat, health, impact assessment, laboratory, land, monitoring, nutritional, oceanography, pollution, research, resource management, science, soil, sustainability, sustainable, toxicology, trees, water, wildlife

Environmental Chemistry

Department/Program: Chemistry

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major

Keywords: agricultural, agriculture, air, aquatic, atmospheric, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemistry, climate change, conservancy, conservation, ecology, environment, environmental science, environmental, hazardous waste, heavy metals, impact assessment, inorganic, laboratory, land, monitoring, oceanography, pollution, quality, regulations, research, risk assessment, science, soil, toxicology, water

Environmental Communication and Arts

Department/Program: Environmental Studies

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major

Keywords: activism, advertising, advocacy, air, analysis, art, artivism, awareness, band, broadcasting, choir, climate change, communications, community engagement, conservancy, conservation, criticism, culture, dance, digital, ecology, education, enviromental, environment, environmental, ethics, feature, film, fine art, guitar, interior design, interviewing, investigative, journalism, land, literacy, literature, magazine, media, movies, moving pictures, music, musician, nature writing, news, non-profit, nonprofit, performing arts, photo, photography, podcast, pop culture, press, print, public, radio, relations, reporting, social, society, soil, storytelling, studio, sustainability, sustainable, teaching, television, theater, theatre, visual, water

Environmental Geology

Department/Program: Geology

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major

Keywords: air, climate change, conservancy, conservation, earth science, ecology, engineering, engineers, enviromental, environment, environmental science, environmental, erosion, flight, geological, geology, geomorphology, hazards, hydrogeology, impact assessment, laboratory, land, landforms, mapping, meteorology, modeling, monitoring, natural, oceanography, research, resource management, risk assessment, science, sedimentology, soil, stratigraphy, surveys, sustainability, sustainable, water

Environmental Justice and Citizenship

Department/Program: Environmental Studies

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major

Keywords: activism, advocacy, air, animals, Black, change, class, climate change, community, conflict, conservancy, conservation, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, critical theory, diaspora, disability, discrimination, diversity, dog, ecology, empowerment, enviromental, environment, environmental education, environmental migration, environmental stewardship, environmental, equine, equity, ethics, ethnicity, feminism, gender, globalization, governance, grassroots movements, health, human rights, hybridity, identity, immigration, inclusivity, indigenous, inequality, intersectionality, judges, justice, land, law, lawyers, LGBTQIA, migrations, non-profit, nonprofit, oppression, paralegals, police officer, policy, power, pre-law, prelaw, privilege, queer theory, race, refugees, representation, resistance, safety, sexuality, social justice, social movements, soil, sustainability, sustainable, water

Environmental Sciences

Department/Program: Environmental Studies

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Program

Keywords: agricultural, agriculture, air, animals, aquatic, arborist, atmospheric, biochemistry, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, biology, cellular, chemical engineering, chemistry, climate change, conservancy, conservation, dog, earth science, ecological restoration, ecology, ecosystems, engineering, engineers, environment, environmental science, environmental, equine, erosion, ethics, flight, food, forestry, genetics, geological, geology, geomorphology, habitat, hazardous waste, hazards, health, heavy metals, hydrogeology, impact assessment, inorganic, laboratory, land, landforms, mapping, modeling, monitoring, natural, nutritional, oceanography, pollution, quality, regulations, research, resource management, risk assessment, science, sedimentology, soil, stratigraphy, surveys, sustainability, sustainable, toxicology, trees, water, wildlife

Environmental Studies

Department/Program: Environmental Studies

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: advocacy, agricultural, agriculture, air, American, animals, arborist, biodiversity, climate change, community, conservancy, conservation, dog, ecology, ecosystems, education, engineering, enviromental, environment, environmental, equine, ethics, fieldwork, forestry, laboratory, land, non-profit, nonprofit, oceanography, pollution, renewable resources, research, soil, study, sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable, trees, waste, water

European Studies

Department/Program: European Studies

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: anthropology, Britain, change, conflict, culture, customs, diaspora, Europe,United Kingdom, France, geography, Germany, globalization, Greece, history, immigration, Ireland, Italy, literature, migrations, Netherlands, refugees, religion, religious, Russia, russian, Scotland, societies, society, Spain, study, Sweden, traditions


Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accounting, actuarial science, actuary, administration, budgeting, business law, business, corporations, finance, financial, human, investment, leadership, management, marketing, monetary, operations, organization, project, public administration, resources, strategy

French and Francophone Studies

Department/Program: Modern Languages & Literatures

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: Algeria, anthropology, Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, change, colonialism, colony, Congo, cultural exchange, culture, customs, decolonization, diversity, Europe, European, foreign languages, France, Francophone, french, geography, globalization, history, identity, immigration, Ivory Coast, language, linguistic diversity, literature, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mai, Mauritius, Monaco, Morocco, multiculturalism, postcolonial, religion, religious, Senegal, societies, society, study, Switzerland, traditions, Tunisia, world languages


Department/Program: Geology

School: Environment & Sustainability

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: earth science, fieldwork, fossils, geologic mapping, geological, geology, geomorphology, hazards, hydrogeology, laboratory, meteorology, mineralogy, minerals, oceanography, paleontology, petrology, plate tectonics, research, rocks, sedimentology, seismology, stratigraphy, volcanology

Greek and Latin Studies

Department/Program: Greek, Latin, & Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Offerings: Major

Keywords: ancient languages, ancient drama, anthropology, archaeology, archeology, civilization, classical studies, classics, culture, customs, epic poetry, geography, Greece, Greek, history, literature, lyric poetry, mythology, religion, religious, Roman, Rome, societies, society, study, traditions, warfare

Health and Society

Department/Program: Health & Society

School: Health Sciences

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: biomedical, child development, clinical, community, dentistry, diet, disease prevention, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, early childhood, EMT, epidemiology, ethics, global, health education, health, healthcare outcomes, healthcare quality, healthcare reform, healthcare systems, healthcare technology, healthcare, hospital, hygiene, LPN, management, medical, medicine, mental health, non-profit, nonprofit, nurse, nursing, physician assistant, physician, policy, pre-dental, pre-health, pre-medicine, predental, prehealth, premedicine, public health, radiography, social services, social support, therapist, therapy


Department/Program: History

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: American, analysis, ancient, anthropology, archival, archives, change, colonialism, colony, contemporary, cultural, culture, customs, decolonization, documents, geography, globalization, government, historical interpretation, historical methods, historical research, historical significance, historical writing, historiography, history, literature, medieval, military, modern, narrative, oral, Pacific, politics, postcolonial, religion, religious, social, societies, society, tourism, traditions, warfare

International Relations

Department/Program: International Relations

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major

Keywords: aid, air, arms control, change, climate change, colonialism, colony, commerce, comparative, conflict resolution, conflict, conservation, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, crisis management, decolonization, defense policy, development, diaspora, diplomacy, disarmament, ecology, environment, environmental, foreign policy, geopolitics, global affairs, global, globalization, history, human rights, humanitarian intervention, immigration, international politics, judges, justice, land, law, lawyers, mediation, migrations, negotiation, oppression, paralegals, peace studies, peacekeeping, police officer, policy, political economy, postcolonial, pre-law, prelaw, refugees, safety, security, soil, supply chain, sustainability, sustainable, terrorism, theory, tourism, United Nations, water


Department/Program: Modern Languages & Literatures

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: animation, anthropology, Asia, Asian, change, colonialism, colony, culture, customs, decolonization, foreign languages, geography, globalization, history, international relations, Japan, Kanji, land, language, literature, pop culture, postcolonial, religion, religious, Shinto, societies, society, traditions, world languages

Japanese Language and Culture

Department/Program: Modern Languages & Literatures

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major

Keywords: animation, anthropology, Asia, Asian, change, colonialism, colony, culture, customs, decolonization, East Asia, foreign languages, geography, globalization, history, international relations, Japan, Kanji, land, language, literature, pop culture, postcolonial, religion, religious, Shinto, societies, society, traditions, world languages


Department/Program: Journalism

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: advertising, analysis, broadcasting, communications, criticism, culture, digital, ethics, feature, film, interviewing, investigative, journalism, literacy, magazine, media, movies, moving pictures, news, photo, podcast, pop culture, press, print, public, radio, relations, reporting, social, society, television, video

Kinesiology and Movement

Department/Program: Kinesiology and Movement

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: athletic trainer, athletic training, athletics, biomechanics, biomedical, clinical, coaching, dentistry, diet, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, EMT, ergonomics, exercise programming, exercise, fitness, food, health, hospital, human, injury prevention, lifestyle, LPN, massage, medical, medicine, motor control, movement science, nurse, nursing, nutritional, occupational, personal trainer, phlebotomy, physical activity, physical education, physical therapy, physician assistant, physician, physiotherapy, pre-health, pre-medicine, pre-pt, predental, prehealth, premedicine, PT, radiography, rehabilitation, sport psychology, sports medicine, sports, strength and conditioning, therapist, therapy, wellness

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Department/Program: Latin American & Caribbean Studies

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: anthropology, Central America, change, colonialism, colony, conflict, culture, customs, decolonization, diaspora, geography, globalization, history, human rights, identity, immigration, indigenous, Latina, Latino, Latinx, literature, migrations, oppression, postcolonial, refugees, religion, religious, social movements, societies, society, South America, study, traditions

Law and Justice

Department/Program: Law & Justice

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accessibility, accountability, advocacy, American, analysis, business law, civil, constitutional, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, ethics, forensics, global, human rights, institutions, international, judges, jurisprudence, justice, law, lawyers, legal profession, legal reform, legal system, oppression, paralegals, philosophy, police officer, policy, pre-law, prelaw, real estate, reasoning, representation, research, responsibility, rights, safety, social justice, social services, theory, writing

Literary Studies

Department/Program: English

Offerings: Major

Keywords: authorship, canon, criticism, culture, drama, fiction, genres, history, interpretation, intertextuality, literary analysis, literary theory, literature, motifs, narrative, poetry, prose, storytelling, study, symbolism


Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accounting, actuarial science, actuary, administration, advertising, branding, budgeting, business, cooking, corporations, culinary, human, leadership, management, marketing, non-profit, nonprofit, operations, organization, project, public administration, resources, strategy, tourism


Department/Program: Mathematics

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: abstract algebra, accountant, actuarial science, actuary, algebra, analysis, applied mathematics, calculus, combinatorics, cryptography, differential equations, financial, game theory, geometry, linear algebra, logic, mathematics, modeling, number theory, numerical, optimization, probability, set theory, statistics, topology, trigonometry

Media Studies

Department/Program: Media Studies

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Major

Keywords: American, analysis, animation, broadcasting, cinematography, communications, content, criticism, culture, editing, ethics, film, interior design, library, literacy, magazine, media, movies, moving pictures, podcast, pop culture, production, radio, record, screenwriting, script analysis, social, study, television, video

Medieval Studies

Department/Program: Medieval Studies

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: anthropology, archaeology, archeology, culture, customs, geography, historiography, history, literature, Middle Ages, paleography, religion, religious, societies, society, study, traditions, warfare

Museum Studies

Department/Program: Museum Studies

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accessibility, activism, administration, anthropology, art history, art, collections, conservation, costume, cultural preservation, curation, education, ethics, exhibitions, fine art, funding, heritage, history, management, marketing, museum, non-profit, nonprofit, public administration, research, sewing, sociology, study

Nursing Dual Degree

Department/Program: Nursing

School: Health Sciences

Offerings: Program

Keywords: anesthesia, anesthesiologist, biomedical, bone, BSN, clinical, dentistry, diagnostic sonography, diet, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, EMT, exercise, fitness, food, health, hospital, human, hygiene, lifestyle, LPN, medical, medicine, nurse, nursing, nutritional, phlebotomy, physical activity, physician assistant, physician, pre-health, pre-medicine, predental, prehealth, premedicine, psychiatry, radiography, radiological, radiology, RN, ultrasound technician, wellness

Performing and Applied Arts

Department/Program: Performing and Applied Arts

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: acting, apparel, band, broadcasting, choir, choreography, cinematography, collaborative, composition, conducting, contemporary, content, cosmetologist, cosmetology, costume, creative process, dance, directing, education, entrepreneurship, experimental, fashion, guitar, instrumental, interdisciplinary, live performance, movement, music, musician, PART, piano, playwriting, practices, production, record, screenwriting, script analysis, sewing, singing, sound design, speech, stage, stagecraft, studio, technique, technology, theater, theatre, theory, therapy, training, vocal, voice

Pharmacy Dual Degree

Department/Program: Pharmacy

School: Health Sciences

Offerings: Program

Keywords: anesthesia, anesthesiologist, biomedical, care, clinical, compounding, dentistry, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, drug, EMT, ethics, health, healthcare management, hospital, hygiene, laboratory, LPN, medical, medication PharmD, medicinal chemistry, medicine, nurse, nursing, patient, pharmaceutical, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, pharmacy, physician assistant, physician, policy, pre-health, pre-medicine, Pre-Veterinary, predental, prehealth, premedicine, radiography, regulation, research, therapist, therapy


Department/Program: Philosophy

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: aesthetics, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, epistemology, ethics, existentialism, judges, justice, law, lawyers, logic, metaphysics, morals, paralegals, phenomenology, philosophy of mind, philosophy, police officer, policy, pre-law, prelaw, safety, social, speech


Department/Program: Physics, Engineering, & Astronomy

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: acoustics, aerospace, astronomy, astrophysics, biophysics, black holes, computational, cosmology, electromagnetism, experimental, field theory, fluid dynamics, geophysics, gravity, laboratory, mathematical, mechanics, nuclear, oceanography, optics, plasma physics, quantum computing, relativity, research, statistical, string theory, theoretical, thermodynamics

Political Science

Department/Program: Political Science

School: Environment & Sustainability, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: American, analysis, authoritarianism, behavior, citizenship, civil liberties, communism, comparative politics, conflict, conservatism, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, democracy, diaspora, economic policy, economics, electoral systems, fascism, global, globalization, governance, government, human rights, immigration, institutions, international relations, judges, justice, law, lawyers, liberalism, migrations, nation, nationalism, non-profit, nonprofit, oppression, Pacific, paralegals, police officer, policy, political theory, politics, power, pre-law, prelaw, public administration, public opinion, public policy, refugees, research, safety, socialism, sociology, sovereignty, state, urban studies, voting

Pre-Law Advising

Department/Program: Pre-Law Preparation Advising

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Program

Keywords: accessibility, accountability, advocacy, analysis, business law, civil, constitutional, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, ethics, forensics, global, human rights, institutions, international, judges, jurisprudence, justice, law, lawyers, legal profession, legal reform, legal system, oppression, paralegals, philosophy, police officer, policy, pre-law, prelaw, real estate, reasoning, representation, research, responsibility, rights, safety, social justice, social services, theory, writing

Pre-Medical Advising

Department/Program: Health Professions Advisory Committee

Offerings: Program

Keywords: anatomy, anesthesia, anesthesiologist, animals, behavior, biochemistry, biology, biomedical, bone, child development, clinical, communication disorders, dentistry, diagnostic sonography, diet, DMS, doctor, dog, dosimetrists, DVM, early childhood, EMT, equine, first responder, forensics, genetics, health, hospital, hygiene, laboratory, LPN, medical, medicine, nurse, nursing, occupational, paramedic, phlebotomy, physician assistant, physician, pre-dental, pre-health, pre-medicine, Pre-Veterinary, predental, prehealth, premedicine, preveterinary, psychiatry, radiography, radiological, radiology, reproductions, research, therapist, therapy, ultrasound technician, veterinarian, virology, zoology


Department/Program: Psychology

School: Health Sciences, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major

Keywords: behavior, biological, biomedical, brain, child development, clinical, cognitive psychology, consciousness, counseling, cultural, dentistry, developmental psychology, DMS, doctor, dosimetrists, early childhood, emotion regulation, EMT, evolutionary, experimental, forensics, health, hospital, human behavior, hygiene, intelligence, laboratory, learning, LPN, medical, medicine, memory, mental processes, mindfulness, motivation, neuropsychology, non-profit, nonprofit, nurse, nursing, perception, personality, physician assistant, physician, pre-health, pre-medicine, predental, prehealth, premedicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychological assessment, psychometrics, psychotherapy, radiography, research methods, research, social services, social, sports, stress management, therapist, therapy

Quantitative Economics

Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Major

Keywords: analysis, analytics, commerce, data, development, econometrics, economics, economy, forecasting, growth, labor, mathematics, modeling, optimization, policy, poverty, quantitative, research, science, simulation, spending, statistical, statistics, taxation, trade, welfare

Self-Designed Interdisciplinary

Department/Program: Interdisciplinary Studies

Offerings: Major, Minor

Keywords: academic customization, collaborative, cross-curricular, cross-disciplinary, curriculum, custom, customized, exploration, flexible, hybrid, individualized, innovative, integrative, interdisciplinary studies, multidisciplinary, personalized, research, specialized, student-designed, tailored, tourism, unique


Department/Program: Sociology

School: Health Sciences, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major

Keywords: American, analysis, behavior, Black, change, child development, commerce, construction, cooking, counseling, courts, crime, criminal, criminology, culinary, culture, deviance, diet, early childhood, economics, education, ethnicity, evaluation, family, gender, global, globalization, government, health, hospitality, inequality, institutions, judges, justice, law, lawyers, LGBTQIA, media, movements, non-profit, nonprofit, norms, Pacific, paralegals, police officer, policy, political politics, pre-law, prelaw, race, religion, religious, research, rural, safety, sexuality, social justice, social science, social services, social structure, social, sociological theory, sociology, technology, theology, therapist, therapy, tourism, urban studies, urban, work


Department/Program: Modern Languages & Literatures

School: Health Sciences, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: anthropology, Central America, change, colonialism, colony, culture, customs, decolonization, education, Europe, European, foreign languages, geography, globalization, history, language, Latina, Latino, Latinx, literature, Mexico, pop culture, postcolonial, religion, religious, societies, society, South America, Spain, traditions, world languages

Spanish Language and Culture

Department/Program: Modern Languages & Literatures

School: Health Sciences, Global & Public Service

Offerings: Major

Keywords: anthropology, Central America, change, colonialism, colony, culture, customs, decolonization, education, Europe, European, foreign languages, geography, globalization, history, language, Latina, Latino, Latinx, literature, Mexico, pop culture, postcolonial, religion, religious, societies, society, South America, Spain, traditions, world languages

Sports Management

Department/Program: Economics & Business

School: Business

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: accounting, actuarial science, actuary, administration, analysis, athlete, athletic trainer, athletic training, athletics, biomedical, broadcasting, budgeting, business, clinical, coaching, communications, corporations, criticism, culture, development, economics, economy, entrepreneurship, ethics, event, facilities, film, growth, health, human, industry, innovation, labor, leadership, literacy, magazine, management, marketing, mathematics, media, medical, medicine, movies, moving pictures, operations, organization, physical, podcast, policy, pop culture, poverty, project, public administration, radio, resources, small business, social, spending, sports, strategy, taxation, television, therapist, therapy, trade, venture, welfare

Teacher Certification

Department/Program: Education & Youth Studies

School: Global & Public Service

Offerings: Program

Keywords: activism, administration, adolescent, child development, children, curriculum, early childhood, education, elementary, employment, empowerment, leadership, learning, literacy, management, mental health, organizations, pedagogy, policy, preschool, primary, public administration, school, secondary, social services, special education, teacher, teaching methods, youth

Visual Studies

Department/Program: Visual Studies

School: Media and the Arts

Offerings: Minor

Keywords: advertising, analysis, animation, art history, cinematography, communications, criticism, cultural studies, culture, data visualization, ethics, film, graphic design, iconography, image, interface design, interior design, literacy, magazine, media theory, media, movies, moving pictures, perception, photography, podcast, pop culture, radio, rhetoric, screenwriting, script analysis, semiotics, social, study, television, user experience design, video, visual aesthetics, visual arts, visual media, visualization

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A student works on an electronics project in the Maker Lab of the Center of Entrepreneurship.

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A Beloit student designs a project at CELEB.

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